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- Peru
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- Human Rights Watch World Report 1992
- Americas Watch: Peru
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- <p>Human Rights Developments
- </p>
- <p> Peru now ranks as one of the most tormented countries of
- Latin America. Official statistics show that some 24,000
- citizens most of them civilians--have died in political
- violence since 1980. As many as 200,000 people have been
- displaced by the conflict, half of them children. Both official
- forces and the principal insurgents, Sendero Luminoso (Shining
- Path), murder and torture noncombatants and forcibly involve
- civilians in the conflict, while the lesser rebel group, the
- Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA), also carries out
- selective executions and bombings. For four straight years, from
- 1987 to 1990, Peru led the world in new disappearances,
- according to the specialized U.N. working group. Although there
- was some reduction in new disappearances during 1991, the
- practice continues at a high rate. Victims of political
- execution, disappearance, torture and harassment by official
- forces during 1991 included peasants, labor unionists,
- university students and journalists; the elderly and children
- were not exempted. Sendero victims cover the same gamut, with
- the addition of politicians and local officials as murder
- targets, and young boys as forced recruits.
- </p>
- <p> In June 1990, Peruvians elected a new president, Alberto
- Fujimori, who promised a fresh approach to the
- counterinsurgency campaign and an end to human rights
- violations. During his first year, the counterinsurgency plan
- remained the same; as before, the government responded to rebel
- initiatives by expanding the territory under a state of
- emergency and, in emergency zones, establishing Political
- Military Commands to supersede civilian authority. Nearly half
- the national territory, and more than half the population of
- twenty-two million, remained or was placed under a state of
- emergency that is, effective military governance during 1991.
- </p>
- <p> The new government's sole innovation, if it could be called
- that, was to put special emphasis on the creation of village
- civil-defense patrols, a tactic initiated under the government
- of Fernando Belaúnde (1980-1985) and continued off and on under
- that of Alan García (1985-90). The local civil patrols are in
- some places a genuinely volunteer force, created at the demand
- of villagers who are terrified of guerrilla violence. But in
- many cases the patrols were imposed by the official forces as
- a form of unpaid, unwelcome reserve duty dangerous and, very
- often, aggressive rather than purely defensive. The patrols are
- frequently guilty of killing noncombatants, and for the first
- time in 1991 carried out disappearances as well. Because
- patrols include women and young boys, these normally civilian
- sectors of the rural population were brought into the conflict.
- </p>
- <p> Predictably, human rights violations, continued during
- President Fujimori's first year. Indeed, the reduction in
- disappearances appeared to be balanced by an increase in the
- number of acknowledged dead, who once more were principally
- civilian noncombatants. Several massacres in rural areas drew
- attention to the army's brutality. In some egregious abuses the
- civil defense patrols participated. Officially tolerated
- paramilitary violence, including assassinations, persisted,
- although the death squads appeared to be local phenomena rather
- than centrally coordinated. Torture took place in both military
- and police detention centers. On November 3, human rights
- violations took a new and grisly turn in Peru with the murder
- of sixteen persons in a barbecue eatery in downtown Lima,
- perpetrated by a paramilitary group.
- </p>
- <p> These abuses did not appear to correspond to the intentions
- of the civilian government. However, President Fujimori made
- gestures of confidence in several officials linked with human
- rights abuses or responsible for covering them up. In December
- 1990, the president decreed that crimes committed by military
- personnel in the emergency zones must be defined as acts of
- duty and adjudicated in military courts a guarantee that the
- crimes would remain unpunished. This decree was repealed by
- Congress in February 1991, but congressional reformers were
- unsuccessful in stopping the presidential promotion, also in
- December 1990, of two army generals linked to major massacres
- of the 1980s. On separate occasions during 1991, Fujimori's
- defense and interior ministers were involved in attempted
- cover-ups of human rights abuses which called their integrity
- into question, but neither official was asked to resign.
- </p>
- <p> Both Sendero and the MRTA committed violations of the laws
- of war, specifically, common Article 3 of the 1949 Geneva
- Conventions, which applies to rebel groups and forbids murder
- or mistreatment of noncombatants. Sendero in particular used
- terror to control civilian communities. Through a network of
- clandestine and semi-clandestine front organizations, Sendero
- typically seeks to infiltrate authentic popular organizations
- and provoke divisions within them. If organizations prove
- resistant, Sendero executes their elected leadership. Similarly,
- when peasants do not support Sendero or object to its use of
- violence, the guerrillas exact bloody reprisals. Favorite
- targets are the civil patrols, which in Sendero's view represent
- a village's collaboration with the army and navy, whether or not
- they are voluntary. Sendero has carried out indiscriminate mass
- murders in villages as punishment for the creation of a patrol.
- On November 3, Sendero killed thirty-seven persons in Santo
- Tomás de Pata, Angaraes, Ayacucho, ostensibly because they had
- formed a civil patrol.
- </p>
- <p> During 1991, Sendero continued to be active in most of Peru,
- increasing its attacks in and around Lima and in the
- strategically important central states. It is not possible to
- speak of firm control of population or territory, but Sendero,
- has by now established itself in the central area of Peru
- principally the department of Junín as firmly as it has been
- established in the highland regions of Ayacucho, Apurímac and
- Huancavelica since the early 1980s. It has also become a
- consistent presence, and important factor, in the Upper
- Huallaga River Valley, which comprises parts of two northeastern
- states and is the area where small growers produce most of
- Peru's coca.
- </p>
- <p> The guerrilla groups do not engage directly in coca
- trafficking, but both receive "protection" money from drug
- traffickers in the areas where they operate Sendero in the Upper
- Huallaga, and the MRTA further north, in the Central Huallaga
- and so indirectly derive millions of dollars a year from the
- traffic in narcotics. The competition between the two groups,
- already intense, is likely to become more so given the financial
- stakes. Sendero was reported to be making advances on MRTA
- territory in the Central Huallaga toward the end of 1991.
- </p>
- <p> The drug trade has stimulated corruption in a society where
- bribery of officials was already common. Crime and corruption
- linked to drug trafficking, added to the desperate poverty in
- which most Peruvians live and the spiral of political violence
- that grips the country, make Peru a place where solutions are
- both hard to develop and nearly impossible to administer
- effectively. In large areas of the country, political violence
- has driven out judges, mayors and other representatives of
- legitimate authority. In the Huallaga region, drug traffickers
- suborn local prosecutors, police and military officers. The
- central government, too, is riddled with corruption, of which
- recent accusations against former President García provide only
- one sensational example.
- </p>
- <p> Nonetheless, there have been some admirable efforts to
- document human rights abuses and explore possible solutions to
- the problem of political violence. A special Senate commission
- on political violence gathers monthly statistics and makes
- yearly recommendations. Politically mixed commissions in both
- the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate pursue investigations of
- major human rights cases. During 1991, in an investigation of
- a 1990 massacre later covered up by President Fujimori's
- defense minister, the investigating senators recommended that
- the minister be tried as an accessory.
- </p>
- <p> The Public Ministry, Peru's public defender, contains an
- office that investigates human rights complaints. Although the
- government's support for that office has been inadequate, the
- prosecutors in charge of human rights cases in the central
- office in Lima and in some regional offices as well have
- evidently attempted to do their job. On November 8, the
- prosecutor for Ayacucho, José Macera Tito, was murdered in the
- streets of Huamanga, the department capital, in front of his
- children, by two young men presumed to belong to Sendero.
- Moreover, Peruvian human rights organizations have developed a
- credible national profile despite the difficulties of
- investigating complaints in conflict zones. These groups
- maintain conservative statistics, assist victims, analyze the
- trends in political violence and make policy recommendations.
- </p>
- <p> In addition, as described below, President Fujimori during
- the latter half of 1991 instituted reforms demanded by the U.S.
- Congress which, if seriously implemented, may have a positive
- effect on human rights conditions.
- </p>
- <p>The Right to Monitor
- </p>
- <p> Each "side" finds fault with Peruvian human rights
- organizations, because the organizations criticize violations
- of basic rights by both sides. During 1991, human rights
- monitors were physically attacked by both Sendero and official
- forces. Porfirio Suni Quispe, an elected peasant leader in Puno
- department, a regional parliamentarian and president of the
- regional congress's human rights commission a man with a long
- history of advocacy for human rights was dragged from his home
- in May by two men in civilian clothes who were believed to be
- Sendero members and shot to death immediately. The following
- month, the Sendero newspaper, El Diario, contained an editorial
- indirectly threatening human rights activists by calling human
- rights a "bourgeois" idea created "to deny class struggle."
- </p>
- <p> From the government's side, the victim was Augusto Zúñiga
- Paz, staff lawyer for the nongovernmental Human Rights
- Commission (COMISEDH). Zúñiga had been pursuing a disappearance
- case, and had told colleagues that he knew the identity of the
- perpetrator a police officer and explosives expert. The case had
- been stalled by the Supreme Court but Zúñiga planned to reopen
- it. In March, Zúñiga received at COMISEDH a hand-delivered
- envelope which, when he opened it, blew off his left forearm.
- Zúñiga has left the country for medical treatment. The police
- investigation has been wholly ineffective, although the Senate
- has created a special commission to look into the attack.
- </p>
- <p> Harassment has extended to judicial personnel. The victim
- was Moisés Ochoa Girón, the investigating judge in charge of the
- case of Hugo Bustíos, a journalist murdered in 1988 after
- passing through an army roadblock in Ayacucho. In June 1991,
- shortly after the judge had formally charged two army officers
- despite the army's failure to cooperate with the investigation,
- his house was searched by an army patrol, supposedly on
- suspicion that he harbored subversives, but evidently as a form
- of intimidation. A secret army document dated in March, signed
- by General José Valdivia, head of the army for the region
- including Lima, was made public in July. In it, Valdivia was
- urged to initiate a military court proceeding so as to stave off
- the progress of Judge Ochoa's investigation. Later in the year,
- the military courts exonerated the two officers implicated, and
- challenged Ochoa's jurisdiction. The Superior Court of Ayacucho
- ruled in favor of the civilian court, but the defendants have
- appealed to the Supreme Court, and a final ruling is still
- pending.
- </p>
- <p> Relations between the government and Peru's human rights
- organizations were mixed during 1991, becoming more tense
- toward the end of the year. After experiencing the disapproval
- of the U.S. Congress, the Fujimori government blamed human
- rights organizations for Peru's poor reputation. In speeches to
- military officers in September and October, he attacked what he
- called "pseudo-human rights organizations," falsely accusing
- them of not criticizing the deeds of the insurgencies. He
- repeated these wrong-headed and false accusations in statements
- to the press in Spain in October and again in an October 31 open
- letter to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the
- Organization of American States (OAS), which was then visiting
- Peru. Such declarations are a sign of polarization and
- defensiveness. They also might be taken by some extremists to
- represent tolerance of reprisals against human rights monitors.
- </p>
- <p> In November, during a visit to San Francisco, California,
- President Fujimori in public speeches renewed his criticism,
- this time naming Americas Watch and Amnesty International, and
- alleging that those organizations do not criticize Sendero.
- Americas Watch responded in letters to the Peruvian press, and
- articles in Peruvian magazines also demonstrated, that Americas
- Watch has criticized Sendero in all of the reports we have
- published since 1984. Despite this, Fujimori insisted on his
- accusation: in late November, at a military ceremony in the Las
- Palmas Air Force Base, he spent a long part of his speech
- delivering a blistering attack on both Americas Watch and
- Amnesty International, and ignoring the evidence that his
- charges of lack of impartiality are plainly false.
- </p>
- <p> In a clear contradiction of that false charge, the Peruvian
- government issued an "official communique" on November 16,
- attacking Americas Watch for releasing an open letter to the
- head of Sendero Luminoso holding the insurgent leader
- responsible for a war crime committed by his followers: the
- murder of Peruvian soldiers who had been placed hors de combat
- by their wounds. The official communique not only contradicted
- Fujimori's repeated charges that Americas Watch failed to
- address Sendero abuses, but it also flew in the face of clear
- international law that the application of the laws of war to a
- rebel group does not confer it any legal recognition.
- </p>
- <p> On November 12 and 15, the president issued 126 "legislative
- decrees," promulgated in exercise of powers delegated to him by
- Congress, to address economic and political emergencies. Many
- of these decrees concern counterinsurgency problems. One of
- them establishes long prison terms for whoever reveals
- information that the army considers secret. This provision has
- been widely seen as a threat to both the press and human rights
- organizations; publication of a human rights violation by
- security forces, or of documents that refer to such a
- violation, could result in prosecution. Other decrees allow
- intelligence agents to seize property and conduct warrantless
- searches, whether or not a state of emergency is in effect in
- the area. Another decree subordinates civil defense patrols to
- the authority of the army, and allows draftees to serve their
- military duty in a civil patrol. An amendment to the law that
- regulates the state of emergency expands the powers of the
- "political-military chiefs" to control all aspects of
- government in their region, to the detriment of civilian
- authorities. Military and police forces are authorized to enter
- universities, schools and hospitals without seeking
- authorization from any civilian official. In case of
- disturbances, military forces are allowed to take over prisons;
- the last time they did this, in June 1986, under dubious
- authority, they murdered scores of inmates after they had
- surrendered.
- </p>
- <p> Leaders of a wide spectrum of opposition parties have made
- public their disagreement with the content of the decrees, as
- well as with Fujimori's act of promulgating them without any
- form of consultation. In mid-December, the Peruvian Congress
- was working on repealing at least some of the most
- controversial provisions. Regardless of what parts of these
- decrees survive congressional action, they clearly show a
- disposition on Fujimori's part to provide the military with an
- even freer rein to commit abuses than it has enjoyed so far in
- counterinsurgency operations.
- </p>
- <p>U.S. Policy
- </p>
- <p> In May, President Fujimori signed a bilateral anti-narcotics
- agreement with the United States. The agreement, the subject of
- considerable controversy in Peru, had been under negotiation
- for over a year. It had been rejected by former President García
- and, once, by President Fujimori himself, for failing to
- include credible assistance for economic development. The new
- agreement was written vaguely; its particulars were to be
- spelled out in various appendices on military and economic aid.
- Not surprisingly, the military appendix was the first to
- appear. Signed in July, it projected some $95 million in
- anti-narcotics assistance for fiscal year 1991, of which $35
- million was to be direct military aid.
- </p>
- <p> The U.S. aid plan for Peru involved funding both the police
- and the military--principally the army--to fight narcotics
- and, inasmuch as the rebels have links to the drug traffickers,
- to fight the insurgency as well. Human rights conditions in the
- International Narcotics Control Act (INCA) of 1990 stipulate
- that to receive U.S. counter-narcotics aid a country's security
- forces must not practice torture, arbitrary detention,
- disappearance, or other flagrant human rights abuses; that
- appropriate international human rights organizations must have
- unimpeded access to places of detention; and that the government
- must exercise effective control over all counter-narcotics and
- counterinsurgency activities. Peru could not meet these
- conditions in 1991. Nonetheless, on July 30, just two days
- before Congress adjourned for its August recess, the Bush
- Administration issued a "determination" justifying aid to Peru,
- as required under INCA. The determination misrepresented human
- rights conditions and, in the process, contradicted the State
- Department's own annual human rights report on Peru, issued
- most recently in February 1991. The determination also falsely
- portrayed national human rights groups as supporting military
- aid, forcing those organizations to issue a public letter of
- clarification.
- </p>
- <p> U.S. legislators, irritated at the Administration's attempt
- to rush through a controversial aid package without providing
- enough time for congressional oversight, and outraged by the
- spurious claims of human rights achievements, promptly placed
- a "hold" on the aid for six weeks. A group of ten senators,
- ranging from Senator Jesse Helms (the ranking Republican on the
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee) to Senator Chris Dodd (chair
- of the Senate's Western Hemisphere Subcommittee) wrote a letter
- to the State Department requesting that the human rights
- determination be withdrawn. Leaders of the House Foreign Affairs
- Committee and both Senate and House Appropriations Committees
- also issued formal demands for a suspension of the aid package.
- </p>
- <p> The determination was deserving of congressional scorn. The
- Administration ducked the legal requirement that military and
- law enforcement agencies not be engaging in gross abuses of
- human rights by insisting that President Fujimori was not
- engaging in such abuses. And the State Department claimed that
- the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) had access
- to all police detention facilities, while in fact at the time
- of the determination the ICRC was not visiting all such
- facilities, and was barred altogether from secret military
- detention facilities, where the bulk of disappearances occur in
- Peru. The determination was flawed in other particulars, too:
- ignoring dozens of massacres and hundreds of disappearances at
- the hands of the armed forces, the State Department dismissed
- abuses as the isolated acts of rogue soldiers. To bolster a
- tenuous claim of civilian control over the military, the
- Department cited three human rights cases allegedly being
- prosecuted, but failed to mention that in each of the three
- cases the military had interfered significantly with the
- civilian authorities' efforts. Death squads were said to be
- "virtually eliminated," notwithstanding reports by Peruvian
- human rights monitors that abuses by paramilitary groups had
- actually increased.
- </p>
- <p> One aspect of the determination that particularly outraged
- Congress was the claim that Peruvian human rights groups
- supported the Administration's contention that the government
- was not engaged in gross abuses of human rights. (The authorship
- of this particularly controversial feature of the State
- Department determination is a mystery. The U.S. ambassador to
- Peru, Anthony Quainton, revealed in a meeting with human rights
- groups that he was unaware of the contention, suggesting that
- it was added in Washington.) Peruvian human rights organizations
- furiously disputed the notion, which was later retracted by
- Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian
- Affairs Richard Schifter. Nonetheless, Secretary Schifter
- continued to misrepresent the position of Peruvian human rights
- groups by insisting that they supported U.S. military assistance
- to Peru; this contention, too, the Peruvian human rights
- organizations formally disputed.
- </p>
- <p> The issue was addressed at congressional hearings on
- September 12, where Assistant Secretary of State for
- Inter-American Affairs Bernard Aronson, Assistant Secretary of
- State for International Narcotics Matters Melvyn Levitsky, and
- Secretary Schifter testified in support of the U.S. military aid
- package. The most disappointing aspect of the hearing was
- Secretary Schifter's strong defense of the Peruvian Government's
- human rights record and his minimization of human rights
- problems. He dismissed concerns about political killings in Peru
- by comparing the country favorably with Argentina and Chile in
- the 1970s and El Salvador in the early 1980s, and claimed
- (erroneously) that Peru suffered "only a few hundred" such
- killings in the past year. He insisted that disappearances in
- Peru had been reduced by two-thirds in the past year, based on
- cases brought before the United Nations Working Group on
- Disappearances. But as Schifter well knew but did not tell the
- committees, the U.N. figures reflect only those cases brought
- before the Geneva-based working group by Peruvian organizations
- and bear no resemblance to the reality in Peru, where
- disappearances ran at about the same rate as in previous years
- for the first half of 1991, and only declined in the second half
- because of strong international pressure.
- </p>
- <p> The Human Rights Bureau became engaged in other aspects of
- the Peru determination battle with Congress. Secretary Schifter
- himself led a group of congressional aides to Peru, and the
- Human Rights Bureau developed a human rights training package
- to sanitize the military-aid proposal. By the end of 1991,
- however, these efforts had failed to convince congressional
- leaders that the Peruvian armed forces were deserving recipients
- of U.S. aid. Congress permitted the economic component of the
- aid to go forward in several tranches, but eliminated $10
- million in assistance which had been allocated to the Peruvian
- army. Some $25 million was provided for training and equipment
- to the Peruvian navy, air force and police and for the army's
- civic action program.
- </p>
- <p> Thanks to Congress's willingness to exercise the leverage of
- foreign assistance, the Peruvian authorities were persuaded to
- take the first steps toward instituting a series of reforms,
- including broader access to detainees by the ICRC, and more
- latitude for prosecutors investigating human rights cases. But
- a promised public registry of detainees is still far from
- functional, and little action has been seen to date on the nine
- test cases of human rights abuse upon which Congress has
- conditioned the release of aid.
- </p>
- <p> (By December, only one of those cases showed some progress:
- for the first time in recent years, the Peruvian army accepted
- responsibility for a massacre, and instituted charges in
- military courts against a lieutenant and five soldiers for the
- murder of fourteen peasants in Santa Barbara, Huancavelica. In
- November, a civilian prosecutor investigating the case and the
- president of the Santa Barbara community were arrested and held
- for four days under charges of obstructing justice by making
- accusations against the army.
- </p>
- <p> The notorious case in which Lima police were videotaped as
- they arrested a medical student and two minors who were later
- found dead has been bogged down in a jurisdictional conflict
- between civilian and military courts. The Supreme Court ruled
- in favor of the civilian court, but then vacated its own
- judgment on a technicality and will rule again. In the meantime,
- only the three policemen involved in the actual arrest remain
- in prison, while higher officials initially arrested in
- connection with it have been released and are still on active
- duty. There has been no progress whatsoever in the other seven
- cases in which the U.S. Congress expressed interest. ICRC access
- has indeed been granted and ICRC delegates have visited many
- police and military detention centers. As for prosecutors,
- however, it appears that only in six or seven instances have
- they tried to use their newly gained access, without problems.
- In general, prosecutors are still acting under severe
- intimidation and prefer not even to try to visit military
- detention centers. The central registry of detainees has not
- been created, and State Department officials have reported that
- technical and bureaucratic complications will delay
- implementation of this condition for a long time to come.)
- </p>
- <p> The Bush Administration's performance on Peru in 1991 was
- abysmal, but thanks to the language of U.S. human rights law
- and Congress's vigor in insisting upon compliance with it, the
- executive branch's eagerness to make an open-ended military
- commitment to Peru has been stalled. There is some sign that
- the Administration has been chastened by its grueling human
- rights policy battle with Congress, and State Department
- officials appeared to be working more cooperatively with
- Congress at year's end.
- </p>
- <p>The Work of Americas Watch
- </p>
- <p> Americas Watch was prominent in the effort to apply INCA
- human rights conditions to the proposed aid, and its
- recommendations for changes in Peruvian government policies were
- largely reflected in the demands of congressional leaders to the
- U.S. and Peruvian governments. A short report, Into the
- Quagmire: Human Rights and U.S. Policy in Peru, published in
- September, was widely circulated on Capitol Hill. It outlined
- the conditions prevailing in Peru during President Fujimori's
- first year in power abuse by agents of the state and rebel
- forces, corruption and impunity and offered a critique of the
- Bush Administration's arguments for aid. On September 12,
- Americas Watch also offered testimony on Peru before the House
- Subcommittees on Western Hemisphere Affairs and on Human Rights
- and International Organizations, and before the Task Force on
- International Narcotics Control.
- </p>
- <p> Research and continuous monitoring of Peruvian conditions
- were done by Americas Watch in Washington and by the Americas
- Watch representative based in Santiago, Chile. Representatives
- of the organization visited Peru in May and July. Several
- campaigns were undertaken on behalf of victims of human rights
- violations, including numerous letters to President Fujimori.
- </p>
- <p> During 1991, the OAS Inter-American Commission of Human
- Rights presented two cases against the government of Peru.
- Americas Watch is co-petitioner in each of these actions; the
- first regards the forced disappearance of inmates from the El
- Frontón prison during an uprising in 1986, and the second
- involves the massacre by soldiers of at least twenty-seven
- peasants in Cayara in May 1988 and the subsequent forced
- ydisappearance of nine witnesses to the massacre. On December
- 11, the Court ruled in the El Frontón case against preliminary
- objections raised by the Peruvian government; a trial on the
- merits is expected in 1992.
- </p>
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